About the Alconbury Brook Flood Group

The primary motivation of The Alconbury Flood Group reducing the annual risk of property flooding in the villages to 1%.

We believe that a major flood event follows a rain equivalent of to 1,000 or more Olympic sized swimming pools falling on the brook catchment area is in a few hours. That’s a lot of water to squeeze through our villages.

Our ambition is to store, slow and stretch the flow of the brook. We have learnt a lot by looking at recent schemes, for example Pickering and Kendall. Our informal conversations with experts working on these schemes can be summarised as: ‘you will have to use every tool in the box!’.

Therefore, we have put forward a variety of ideas for evaluation ranging from community willow planting to hard engineering. We have also dismissed ideas that expert advice suggests is are ineffective, for example hydro-hedges.


We carry out research on how to maximise the effect of our work and available funding on reducing flood risk


We engage with the community, local farmers and government organisations to make sure we get funding and buy-in for everything we do.


We organise and manage actions to manage water flow and reduce flood risk in the Alconbury area 

New Sallows Pond

Sallows pond has been constructed as a catchment pond to fill up with water flowing towards the Alconburys. The pond will fill up during high rainfall events then slowly empty in to the brook.

All helping slow and stretch water flowing through the Alconbury valley.


Here are some recent pictures of the last high water after storm Babet

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